Fall Tree Care Tips
As the winter approaches, most people look to the ground to prepare their yards for the winter, but miss out on the trees that are overhead! Preparing your trees for the upcoming winter can reduce the likelihood of problems occurring in winter and the following spring. So here are some things you can do to help prepare your trees for the upcoming season: 1. Make sure you have a good layer (not more than 2″) of mulch or woodchips around the base of the trees to help the rootzone of the trees during the winter. For more info on proper mulching, click here. 2. Examine the canopy of the […]
Pruning Young Trees
Pruning Young Trees When trees are young, you may need to prune selected branches to allow for structure; you may need to prune some branches that have died during the transplanting cycle; or some branches may break due to high winds or other environmental factors. Whatever the reason, you should know how to properly prune your trees in order to allow for the best growth and to avoid injuring the tree during pruning. Click the link below to read TreesAreGood.Org’s article on pruning young trees to learn how to best prune them. Keep in mind, larger trees should be done by a professional tree care company to avoid […]