Pine Tree Yellowing
If your Pine trees are turning Yellow this time of year, you may have nothing to worry about! According to the University of Illinois Extension, Pine tree needles will turn yellow once they have completed photosynthesis and no longer need those needles. For more info, visit them at:
Be proactive and check your Pine tree needles to make sure it is just old growth that has turned yellow- the tips of the branches should still be green- these are your new growth tips. If you see yellowing or browning on the tips of the trees, call us or your local arborist promptly to schedule an evaluation of the tree. Tips turning brown could be an indication of insect damage, disease, or even drought symptoms if the trees have not been watered regularly during the growing season. As always, getting your trees fertilized with an organic fertilizer either foliarly or deep root is only going to benefit your trees and help to alleviate any stress it may have endured during the season.