Winter Injury in Evergreens
Winter Injury Winter Injury can include many types of injuries to trees here in the Midwest, but as of late, our Evergreens have been getting hit hard due to the fluctuation in temperatures and environmental conditions we have been experiencing over the last 10-15 years. According to the Morton Arboretum, Winterburn on Evergreens includes: A browning or scorched leaf tip on evergreen foliage in late winter and early spring is a form of winter injury. Browning usually occurs from the needle tips downward. Symptoms of winter burn are present on many narrow-leafed evergreens, such as hemlock, juniper, pine, and yew, and broad-leaved evergreens, such as boxwood and rhododendron. Winterburn […]
Spruce Diseases in Illinois
What is going on with Spruce trees?? Colorado Spruce trees are not native to Illinois, and are really having a tough time lately with the changing environment we’ve had over the last decade! Other varieties of Spruce trees are having a hard time as well. We just received an update from the University of Illinois Extension service that there are several issues going on at this time with Spruce trees in the area. Below is a list of diseases that they are seeing at this time of year, and the accompanying symptoms that go along with them. Abiotic Damage Abiotic Damage is basically just environmental factors, such as too much […]
Choosing Trees for Landscape Value
Choosing Trees to Add Value to Your Landscape. Adding trees to your yard is a surefire way to increase the value of your property. The USDA Forest Service reports that, “Healthy, mature trees add an average of 10 percent to a property’s value.” And, “Landscaping, especially with trees, can increase property values as much as 20 percent.” – Management Information Services/ICMA. To make sure you get the best value, you will want to plant trees that are of good quality, that will be appealing to look at, or that will give you the best energy value. So what do you plant to make sure you’re adding value to your home? That will depend on […]
Adding Woodchips to your Landscape
In the tree care industry, companies are left with a very large amount of green waste known as Woodchips. These woodchips are composed of chipped branches from trees that have been pruned or removed. Some loads of woodchips will have leaves in them depending on what time of year the trees have been pruned or removed, or whether the tree was dead or not. Most people opt for a high quality, triple-processed Mulch for most primary and prominant landscape areas of their homes, for aesthetic purposes. This Mulch is much more even colored, has a softer texture, and gives the look of a more manicured appearance in […]