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Adding Woodchips to your Landscape


        In the tree care industry, companies are left with a very large amount of green waste known as Woodchips.  These woodchips are composed of chipped branches from trees that have been pruned or removed.  Some loads of woodchips will have leaves in them depending on what time of year the trees have been pruned or removed, or whether the tree was dead or not. Most people opt for a high quality, triple-processed Mulch for most primary and prominant landscape areas of their homes, for aesthetic purposes.  This Mulch is much more even colored, has a softer texture, and gives the look of a more manicured appearance in […]

Proper Mulching

Most people know that they should Mulch around their trees, but very few know why or how much to use.  Mulch has many benefits for the tree, but if done incorrectly can actually do more harm than good. Below is the publication from TreesAreGood.Org for their guidelines on proper mulching.  Please read through it, and if you have any questions, or need to get some mulch, give us a call! ProperMulching   If you would be interested in receiving free wood chips from your local tree service providers, please visit the linked site and fill in the form to be put on a wait list.  Keep in mind, these are […]

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